How do scale inhibitors work?

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How do scale inhibitors work?

In the production line of water treating factories and any other factories that require a steady flow of water, the accumulation of scale in water will reduce the flow rate, usually resulting in a decrease in operating efficiency. Therefore scale inhibitors as a kind of water treatment chemical are often used to improve the production efficiency and the quality of water in many factories. This is especially true for the water treating industry since their production requires a large flow of water every day.


Here is the content list:

What are scale inhibitors generally made from?

What are the working principles of scale inhibitors?


What are scale inhibitors generally made from?

Scale inhibitors are divided into two types, the organic and the inorganic. For inorganic types of scale inhibitors, they include condensed phosphates, such as phosphates. Suitable organic scale inhibitors available are polyacrylic acid, phosphinic acid carboxylic acid, sulfonated polymer, and phosphonate. To put it in a more specific way, scale inhibitors that are used in the water treating industry are mainly acrylic polymers, maleic acid polymers, and phosphonates. These three kinds of water treatment chemicals are used most often due to their excellent solubility, thermal stability, and dosage efficiency. However, in the water treatment industry, the categories of scale inhibitors are various as well. Types that are used include inorganic phosphates, organic phosphorus, and organic polymer backbones. Common examples are PBTC and HEDP, polyacrylic acid, phosphine polyacrylate, polymaleic acid, maleic acid terpolymer, and sulfonic acid copolymer. Different kinds of scale inhibitors all have different compositions and were designed for specific fouling conditions and biodegradability. A scale inhibitor with a combination of two or more of these functional water treatment chemical groups is more effective in managing scale issues. Generally, the sodium salt of a carboxylic acid derivative is synthesized as an anionic derivative and is considered to be the most effective due to its high solubility.

What are the working principles of scale inhibitors?

Scale inhibitors are tailor-made chemicals for different usages. Generally, they are quite effective as it only requires a low concentration in water to prevent or delay scale deposits from occurring. By the way, the scale inhibitors are similar to corrosion inhibitors as the chemicals they use are quite similar. Normally, the inhibition of scale is be achieved by adding substances that react with potential scale-forming substances, thereby reaching a thermodynamically stable region, or by adding substances that inhibit crystal growth to largely eliminate the possibility of forming of scale. The use of this kind of water treatment chemical is attractive because a very low dose, like a few ppm, is sufficient to prevent prolonged fouling on surfaces or interiors of the equipment.


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