Publish Time: 2021-10-14 Origin: Site
Feed additives nowadays are an essential part of the modern farming industry. The success of feed additives is not only because they are easy to manufacture and get, but also because they can equip the feed with various advantages over those raw feed. So, what exactly are the rules for using feed additives? Please let me introduce them to you in the following contents.
Here is the content list:
l How are feed additives used?
l What are the rules or precautions that are needed to be followed?
How are feed additives used?
Feed additives are used for multiple purposes, mainly they are used to help better the meat production of animals. But apart from that, there are still some special roles that can be played by feed additives. For example, many feeds contain anti-nutritional factors, which can interfere with the utilization of nutrients. Some will reduce the digestibility of protein, combined with nutrients in the diet, and destroy the intestinal wall of livestock. With feed additives, this problem can be corrected by adding digestible enzymes, xylanase, protease, etc. to the diet. feed additives can help with the reduction of mold contamination and mycotoxins as well. The mold inhibitors inside feed additives such as organic acids of feed additives can be used to prevent mold growth. Many livestock feeds contain mycotoxin binders, which could bind to mycotoxins and prevent mycotoxins from being absorbed through the intestines and entering the bloodstream. The use of immunomodulators as feed additives has many advantages, including modification of host metabolism, immune stimulation, elimination and suppression of pathogens in the intestinal tract, and reduction of human health risks related to the consumption of meat. Another merit of feed additives is that young animals that have not yet established stable intestinal bacteria can be helped by being feed with feed additives that are equipped with probiotics or beneficial bacteria to have good growth and health. All these usages of feed additives above not only better the production efficiency of farms, but also help to keep the health of animals and humans.
Even though the feed additives are safe to use the most of time, there are still many precautions for the manufacturing and use of feed additives. Since feed additives are also a kind of agrochemical, the way how they are manufactured and stored is important. Precautions and rules could be listed as follows: The number of feed additives that could be added should be strictly calculated to minimize the possibility of adverse effects happen on animal and human health. When mixing feed additives to make feedstuff, remember to mix additives, premixes, and drug-containing premixes uniformly in appropriate amounts. Storage, production facilities, and manufacturing equipment of feed and feed additives must be kept clean and in good condition.
The process flow in the feed additives manufacturing plant must be designed to minimize the possibility of contamination and residues into the feed additives. Reasonable measures must be taken to prevent the accumulation of dust and other residual materials in places of processing and storage of feed additives. For feed additives and medicated premixes that are highly likely to generate dust, specific measures like storing them in a sealed container must be done to minimize the impact of such dust on the condition and quality of feed additives.
Well, if you are looking for more information concerning feed additives or if you are interested in buying wonderful feed additives. Please make sure you check out the web of Nanjing Jiayi Sunway Chemical Co., Ltd, their reliable and professional knowledge and their full range of products can definitely satisfy your unique taste and needs.