types of water treatment chemicals

Publish Time: 2022-01-29     Origin: Site

Due to the need to meet human daily requirements and support industrial activities, the demand for safety and freshwater continues to grow. With the continuous growth of urbanization and economic development, the current water supply cannot meet the increasing demand. Therefore, the chemical industry uses innovative water treatment chemicals as a method so that the water can be used for end-use purposes in a more effective way. But, how many types of water treatment chemicals are there? This passages will tell you about that.

Here is the content list

l  What is water treatment?

l  How many types of water treatment chemicals are there?

What is water treatment?

Generally, the water treatment method uses four basic processes, including boiler water treatment, cooling water treatment, water purification, and wastewater treatment. The substances removed in the water treatment process are suspended solids, viruses, fungi, bacteria, algae, and minerals. This process involves both physical and chemical methods. The chemicals used in these processes are called water treatment chemicals.

How many types of water treatment chemicals are there?

There are many types of water treatment chemicals, if you just want an assured number, I could only say there are about 15 popular types of water treatment chemicals. In this passage, we will mainly discuss the 3 most popular types of water treatment chemical. The first is algaecides, which are water treatment chemicals that kill algae and cyanobacteria or green algae when added to water. Algaecides are effective against algae, but due to environmental reasons, they are not very useful in eliminating algae blooms. Defoamer is another type of water treatment chemical that is special used to eliminate foam. The cause of foam is complicated research in physical chemistry, but we already know that the existence of foam has serious problems in the operation of industrial processes and the quality of the final product is affected. If uncontrolled, foam will reduce the capacity of the equipment and increase the construction period and cost. The defoamer blend contains oil mixed with a small amount of silica. Due to these two properties of silicones, they can decompose foam. Antifoam powder covers a group of products based on modified polydimethylsiloxane. The defoamer is chemically inert and will not react with the defoaming medium. They are odorless, tasteless, non-volatile, non-toxic, and will not corrode materials. Corrosion inhibitor is another kind of water treatment chemical. Corrosion is a general term that refers to the conversion of metals into soluble compounds. Corrosion can cause the failure of key components of the boiler system, the deposition of corrosion products in key heat exchange areas, and the overall efficiency decline. This is why corrosion inhibitors are often used. Inhibitors are chemical substances that react with the metal surface and can provide a certain degree of protection for the metal surface. Inhibitors usually work by adsorbing themselves on the metal surface and protect the metal surface by forming a film.

Well, if you are looking for more information concerning nutrients of water treatment chemicals or if you are interested in buying wonderful water treatment chemicals. Please make sure you check out the web of Nanjing Jiayi Sunway Chemical Co., Ltd, their reliable and professional knowledge and their full range of products can definitely satisfy your unique taste and needs.