• [Product News] Introduction to flocculants
    Flocculants, also called flocculating agents are a kind of water treatment chemicals that promote flocculation by gathering colloids and other suspended particles in a liquid to form flocs. Flocculants are used in water treatment processes to improve the sedimentation or filterability of small parti
  • [Product News] introduction to food additives
    Nowadays, food additives can be seen in nearly all kinds of food in supermarkets. Generally speaking, substances added to food to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance of food are called food additives. Some food additives have been used for hundreds of years for t
  • [Product News] How to use phosphate fertilizer?
    Phosphate fertilizer as the name replies is a kind of agrochemical that is mainly made up of phosphate and is rich in phosphorous. Phosphorus is one of the three most important elements in the growth of plants. If the soil is deficient in phosphorus, unless such elements and nutrients are added in t
  • [Product News] How to use thickeners?
    Thickeners are a kind of food additive that is often used to give any salty or sweet formula a creamy and palatable texture. Generally, there are three common consistency levels of thickened liquids, which are nectar-thick, honey-thick, and pudding-thick, based on how many thickeners you have added.
  • [Product News] How to choose feed additives?
    Nowadays, feed additives are playing an increasingly important role in animal nutrition, as farmers are looking for new ways to improve animal health and customers are paying more and more attention to the quality of the food they eat. feed additives have lots of functions in addition to increase nu
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