• [Product News] How do scale inhibitors work?
    In the production line of water treating factories and any other factories that require a steady flow of water, the accumulation of scale in water will reduce the flow rate, usually resulting in a decrease in operating efficiency. Therefore scale inhibitors as a kind of water treatment chemical are
  • [Product News] Benefits of microelement fertilizer
    Apart from the three main elements that are needed by the growth of plants, microelements such as iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, and cobalt are also essential nutrients that play a role in the formation of plants. To give your plants enough supply of these elements. Microelement fertilizers can be a good choice. So, what exactly are the benefits of this kind of agrochemical? Let me introduce them to you in the following contents.
  • [Product News] How often do you use fertilizer?
    Plant fertilizer is a kind of agrochemical that is usually used for plants in the farm or garden to help plants stay healthy and makes them grow faster. But, how often should you fertilize your plants or crops? This is a rigorous question and needs careful attention since applying too many fertilizers could be harmful to plants and pollute the water resource, and too few fertilizers are just not effective enough. So, how exactly should you use fertilizers? Please let me introduce that to you in the following contents.
  • [Product News] Different types of food additives
    Generally speaking, food additives are substances added to food to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance of food. Some food additives have been used for hundreds of years for the preservation of food or drink, such as salt, sugar, or sulfur dioxide. So, what exactl
  • [Product News] Are nutrient water treatment chemicals effective?
    Many people would be puzzled by the name of nutrient water treatment chemicals. Is it a kind of chemical that can provide water with more nutrients? Is it a kind of water treatment chemical that is used for the removal of extra nutrients inside of water? Well, the right one is the latter one. So, ar
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